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  4. Configure Driver & Restaurant Apps

Configure Driver & Restaurant Apps

Our iOS UberEats clone project contains 4 different user flows:

  • regular consumer app
  • driver app
  • restaurant app
  • god mode (regular consumer app + admin dashboard)

The correct flow is automatically triggered based on the role of the currently logged in user. There are 3 special different roles, for each workflow:

  • admin
  • driver
  • vendor

If the role is not specified, or has a different value than these 3 special roles, then the default consumer app is triggered automatically.

Once you create a new user in the app, a new entity gets created in the “users” table in Firebase Firestore. Find that entity, and add a “role” field manually, directly in Firestore:

  • for admin, simply add a field “role” = “admin” (string)
  • for a driver
    • add a field “role” = “driver” (string)
    • add a field “carName” which is the name/model of the car (e.g. “Tesla Model 3”)
    • add a field name “carNumber” which is the license plate of the car
    • add a field name “carPictureURL” which is an URL to a photo of the car
  • for restaurant manager
    • add a field “role” = “vendor”
    • add a field vendorID, which is the ID of the restaurant that this user manages (the vendorID value must match the ID of a vendor from the “vendors” db table)