ios app template questions

Why should I buy a product from

  • Save thousands of hours of development time by using our iPhone app templates. Time is money, so we provide you a way to launch your iPhone app way more quickly. Don’t waste your time reinventing the wheel. We already went through the whole process: design, architecture, coding. Why should you?
  • Save thousands of dollars with our beautiful iOS themes. We’ve already invested that kind of money in order to come up with our innovative products. Why would you waste your money on something you could purchase right now at a tiny fraction of the price? Do the math. You should invest the saved dollars in other areas of your business.
  • Save a huge amount of energy. In order to launch your app, you’ll need to find designers and developers. Imagine how much work you’ll have to put in to make sure you’ll have a great product in the end. Mobile development is hard, costly, time-consuming and it involves many stakeholders (designers, developers, product people, testers, etc). Avoid misunderstandings, minimize risk and maximize your company’s chances of success, by drastically reducing the complexity of the process.

What do the templates include?

Every app template includes the full front-end implementation of the iOS app. The code is written in Swift, and the app template uses Storyboards and .nib files for rendering the UI. These files are also included in the code. Basically, you’ll get a full Xcode project, ready to be compiled and tested with Xcode. All the assets (images, icons, colors, etc) that you’re seeing in the screenshots and videos are also included as part of the Xcode project. The themes use a few third party frameworks (for networking encapsulation, for the side menu drawer implementation, image downloading, etc), so you’ll also get a Podfile (part of the codebase), that will allow you to easily install all the Cocoapods dependencies. You can find more detailed information on each template’s description page.

Are the templates fully working apps?

All the design elements, screens, and transitions are implemented and included as part of the iPhone template downloads. The logins also are fully implemented (you can even wire up your own Firebase server account). The themes only use mock objects for its data. This means that in order to populate the app with your own products, posts, images, etc you’ll have to wire up your own backend system to the template. The code we provide does include helper components for backend interactions (like network managers, table view classes where you can inject a backend endpoint, etc), but you’ll have to do some extra customization if you want to fetch real data from your backend. If your mobile app will use only static data, you can plug that in straight into the code downloaded from us and submit your app to App Store. There will be no other code changes required. Please contact us for any additional clarification you might need!

What do the templates require for further customization?

It really depends on what mobile app you’re trying to build. If you want to make any customizations, you’ll need some minimum programming experience. Some changes are very easy (like changing colors, changing text, adding different languages) and some of them may get more complex (like hooking up a backend API). Our Swift code is written in a robust manner, so all the personalization should be pretty straightforward. Of course, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help with customizing your app template. We’re always working on making our source code as concise and clear as possible, the ease of further customization being one of our top priorities.

What iOS devices do the products support?

All the iOS templates we create are supported on all iOS devices. These include all versions of iPhone (even the old ones, like iPhone 4) as well as all versions of iPad. Our themes use Apple’s auto layout, so they are compatible with all iOS screen sizes. In terms of the operating system, our templates work for all the iOS versions newer than iOS 9.0. The older versions are used only by a tiny percent of users (less than 1%), so there’s no need to support them. It’s nice to have enhanced graphical features (like advanced animations) that are supported only by the more recent iOS releases.

Can I ask for help if I’m stuck with a template?

Of course. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions you might have. Even if everything is right, please send us your suggestions and recommendations. We take them seriously and we want to make sure we build mobile templates your users will love. We’ll also contact you if there will be updates on the templates you’ve purchased, to let you know that you can download them for free.

What is your refund policy?

You will get refunds for every app template you’ve bought and that doesn’t meet your expectations. Please see the Refunds section for more details on our refund policy. If you still have questions, please contact us directly.

Will these templates get updated with new features?

Yes. They get updated all the time. Our templates are continuously being worked on, so every time when there’s a newly released version of a theme you’ve purchased, we’ll get in touch with you to let you know about it. You’ll be able to download all the future updates, for free.

What if I cannot find an app template that fits my needs?

Please tell us what kind of iOS app are you looking for. We want our templates to cover our customers’ needs, so if there’s something you can’t find on our website, we want to know about it. We take your demands very seriously, and we’ll even consider adding a mobile app  template just for your use case, if possible.

What is the average amount of development time, spent to create a full iPhone app template?

An average iOS developer could probably implement one iPhone template, similar to the ones listed on our website, in 3 to 6 months. Even after they come up with a prototype or a minimum viable product, there will still be a lot of bugs and other small glitches. And all this work will only reinvent the wheel. Instead of spending those 3-6 months on writing your app from scratch, you should be using that time to enhance it and make it more spectacular by getting feedback from your users as early as possible. In addition to that, in the United States, the average hourly rate you have to pay for an iOS developer is between 50 and 100$. iOS project costs are expensive, aren’t they? So why wouldn’t you invest your money allocated for an iOS minimum viable product in something else to increase your odds of succeeding?

Are your templates multi-lingual?

Our templates are localized, but the strings are defined only for English. Our iOS templates support multiple languages and adding different languages to them, is a trivial task (assuming you know how to translate the text from English into those languages). You can read more about localization on each template’s documentation page.

Can an iOS freelancer use a template as an end product for a client?

Yes, most definitely. iOS freelancers are actually the largest segment of our customers, so we highly encourage them to build their products using our fully implemented iOS app themes.

Something missing?

If you weren’t able to find relevant answers on this page, please contact us directly. We take great pride on our customer service, so please don’t hesitate to ping us. We appreciate your honest feedback! Cheers!

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