Beautiful design drives more users to an app. It’s not only about the design of the app itself but also about the aesthetics of the overall App Store presentation of your app. This article contains several useful tips that will help you increase App Store downloads, by making enhancements to your screenshots.
Your page on App Store is the most important page for driving more users to download your app. You need to increase its conversion rate as much as possible. The screenshots are the visual elements with the greatest effect on this page, so it’s obvious that by providing high-quality screenshots, it’ll benefit the conversion rate for app installs. Since your mobile screenshots are a key component to app marketing, we are listing here a few learnings that will help you boost your mobile app downloads.
7 tips to increase App Store downloads
- 60% of users won’t swipe past your first two screenshots. This means that you’ll have to make your first screenshots as efficient as possible, both in terms of design as well as the information they deliver. You have to catch the users’ eyes with these two screenshots. Make sure your message is as clear as possible from these first two images. For example, it’s most likely a good idea to not include your Login/Onboarding screen within the first screenshots. Make sure you showcase a core feature of your app and not something that doesn’t deliver any useful information to the viewer. As a good practice, we highly recommend having your app’s core functionality exposed in the first screenshot.
- Every image should tell exactly one message about your app. Don’t try to send too much information in one step. That feels overwhelming and it’ll drive the users away. Your messages should be brief, but comprehensive. You should be able to tell a beautiful story in a concise manner.
- Screenshots should describe the functionality of your mobile app. From screenshots alone, a potential customer should be able to figure out what your app does, what it looks like and how it behaves. Customers frequently compare different competing apps before making a purchase on App Store. You should always work on having screenshots that are more descriptive than your competitors’.
- Upload as many screenshots as possible. Currently, the iOS app makers have to upload at least one image and at most five. You need to upload the maximum number of allowed screenshots. You need to take advantage of the whole real estate Apple is offering you for the product details page in App Store. By uploading more screenshots, you will most likely increase App Store downloads, because 40% of the visitors swipe past the first two images.
- Use the right image dimensions for your screenshots. Being rigorous when it comes to screenshot sizes is worth it. Make sure your image dimensions are compatible with devices your users are coming from. It’s not only about the size, but about the content of the screenshot itself. It’d be a shame for an iPad user to see iPhone screenshots. This would reduce your downloads considerably.
- Use only vertical screenshots. Unless your app is landscape mode only, there’s no reason for your to use horizontal screenshots. They take too much space and they’re not consistent with the App Store ecosystem. As a consequence, they will affect your mobile app downloads.
- Localize your mobile app screenshots. We already know that localizing a mobile app has a huge positive impact. Whenever you’re launching your iOS app to new countries, it is important to upload screenshots that are readable by the people in those countries. Ideally, you’d have screenshots in the official languages of each country. But that might be hard to achieve, given that there are hundreds of languages out there. Make sure your app screenshots use the language that’s the most similar to the language spoken by a specific country. Speaking to users in their mother tongue would definitely give you a boost to increase App Store downloads drastically.
Bottom line on how to increase App Store downloads
Besides an amazing design, there are many other side elements that need to be considered when it comes to the screenshots used on your app’s product details page on App Store. The screenshots should be presented in the right order, with prolific messages. They should have optimal image sizes and their messages should be written in the visitor’s language. All these tricks will improve your ranking in the App Store, will boost your page’s conversion rate and will increase your App Store downloads.